Pickleball Storage - picker upper
Three models are availabe for the Pickleball picker upper and storage container
Check out our Youtube on how it works
1. Modular version: This one holds 3 balls per module and you can keep adding them on. Nice about this one is you can make it large for your training place and then only bring one unit with your trip.
Cost: This version is $30 for the base portion and $20 for each extension.
Coming soon:
2. You supply pipe. This version you buy the pickup head then acquire the piping from home hardware or lowes the length you want and tape the head on.
Cost: This version is $15. Shipping if required is $25 as it will require a parcel for to ship it.
3. You supply pipe skinny version. Same as previous version only it is only 0.65" tall so that it can be mailed using Canada Post at $5.00 for the shipping.
Cost: This version is $15. Shipping if required is $5, will ship in an envelope. NOTE: Once we put it in the mail there is no tracking and as such Buzz Art is no longer responsible for the unit.
Examples of Pickleball - ball storage and picker upper